CT Results (Maybe)

I got my CT scan report through an app on my phone. The results were surprisingly good.
Most of the tumors increased as expected, but they only increased by 1-5 millimeters since January 2022. That's hardly anything, not even an inch. I also have no new tumors anywhere. 
I think the pain in my abdomen is coming from a tumor in one of my lymph nodes because the ct scan said I had a tumor there. I remember having minor pain in my lower abdomen about 5 months ago, but the pain worsened about a month ago.
I think the cancer was in the lymph node for a while without me really knowing it. However, it is close to a nerve, and now, since it got a little bigger, it is pressing on the nerve harder, thus causing extreme discomfort and pain.
That's just my theory though. I will see what the Dr says. I could be completely off base.
I'm just glad the cancer is not in my bowel or in any other major organs. Thank you, Jesus



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