I guess i have COVID It's weird because i don't feel sick. However i felt like death a few days ago. I had muscle aches, a cough, stuffy nose, shortness of breath,headache, fatigue, fever, sore throat, and general malaise. Weird thing is, half the symptoms are not different from my everyday cancer life, such as the fatigue, pain, shortness of breath, and malaise, That's why I didn't go to the Dr right away. I just thought it was everyday life. I went to my uncle's birthday party, where i really exerted myself, so i thought my cancer was acting up because of that. Looking back, i had a clinical trial where i felt WORSE than this. I felt so sick i couldn't move. Literally couldn't move. The muscle aches were unbearable. Imagine taking medicine that makes you feel worse than COVID. No fun at all It's weird how cancer symptoms are almost identical to a sickness that people complain about. I live through this everyday and go through it with a smile...